Ir Professor Guohua Chen
FHKEng [2024]
Chair Professor, City University of Hong Kong; Chairman, World Chemical Engineering Council
- Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering
- Fellow, Global Academy of Chinese Chemical Engineering
- Fellow, HKIE
- Fellow, AIChE
Prof. Chen obtained his B.Eng from Dalian University of Technology. He received his PhD from McGill University.
He started his career at HKUST in 1994 and have been working there for 22 years. He served as Head of Department, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering during 2012-2016. He spent one year at MIT in 2005.
He moved to HK PolyU as a Chair Professor in 2017 and concurrently served as an Associate Vice President (Research) during 2017-2011.
He is now the Chair Professor of Smart Energy Conversion and Storage at City University of Hong Kong.
He also serves as the Chairman, World Chemical Engineering Council, Deputy Director, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China.
He is a Fellow of HKIE, AIChE, and Canadian Academy of Engineering.
McGill University
McGill University
Dalian University of Technology