Past events
BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize 2024 Award Ceremony
The Award Ceremony of the BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize (STIP) 2024 was successfully held on 16 December 2024, celebrating the remarkable achievements of this year’s laureates.
We are proud to share that Prof. Yang CHAI, a member of the Young Member Section (YMS), was awarded the prize in the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics category. Ir Dr Alex CHAN, President of the HKAE, also attended the ceremony to show his support and appreciation for the laureates’ contributions.
STIP is dedicated to promoting the advancement of science and technology innovation in Hong Kong, fostering a culture of excellence and inspiring future generations.
- Other Activities
HKEST Award 2024-25 Briefing Session cum Distinguished Lectures
The Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology (HKEST) Award 2024-25 Briefing Session cum Distinguished Lectures was successfully held on 5 December 2024 at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
We were honoured to have Prof. Jinlian HU and Prof. Anderson Ho Cheung SHUM, recipients of the 15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize (光華工程科技獎), share their remarkable achievements in the field of engineering technology and offer valuable insights to young talents in Hong Kong.
Please click here for more details.
- Other Activities
18th Mainland/ Hong Kong Science and Technology Co-operation Committee Meeting
We were invited to attend the 18th meeting of the "Mainland/Hong Kong Science and Technology Co-operation Committee" (MHKSTCC) and the related visit programme, which took place from 11 to 13 November 2024 in Xi'an.
Ir. Dr Alex CHAN, Senior Vice President of HKAE, represented HKAE at the meeting.
The MHKSTCC meeting, co-chaired by the Vice Minister of Science and Technology and the Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, is typically held annually to provide a platform for representatives from both sides to engage in direct exchanges and discussions on issues of mutual interest.
- Other Activities
Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology Award Ceremony cum Distinguished Lectures 2023
Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology Award Ceremony cum Distinguished Lectures was sucessfully held on 23 August 2024 at HJ305, 3/F, Core J, PolyU. Four local experts, Prof Mingxin HUANG (HKU), Ir Prof Yi-Chun LU (CUHK), Prof Tommy WEI (PolyU) and Prof Angus Yip (CityU) won the award. On the day, around 200 engineers, scholars, industry experts and leaders gathered physically and virtually to celebrate the event.
To learn more about the award, please visit:
- Other Activities
Hong Kong Winners of the 15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize
Professor C.C. Chan greeted the three winners of the 15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), namely CHAN Ka Leung 陳家亮(CUHK), HU Jinlian 胡金蓮 (CityU HK), and SHUM Ho Cheung 岑浩璋 (HKU) after the presentation ceremony in Beijing on 25 June 2024.
Three nominees nominated by HKAES and being shortlisted to final round, include HU Jinlian 胡金蓮 (CityU HK), SHUM Ho Cheung 岑浩璋 (HKU), and LEE Shi-wei 李世瑋 (HKUST).
- Other Activities
2023-24 Pitch Competition on Grand Challenge Engineering Topics for University Students
HKAES 2023-24 Pitch Competition on Grand Challenge Engineering Topics for University Students was held successfully on 13 April 2024. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, with their project “EcoFlight: Enhancing Aircraft Ground Operations for Reduced Carbon Emissions” won the competition.
To find out what their project is about, please visit https://
- Other Activities
One-day Tour to Shenzhen on 21 July 2023
The one-day tour to Shenzhen was successfully completed on 21 July 2023. The tour led by the President, Ir Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, was attended by 35 participants, including HKAES Fellows and the speakers/participants from the IBA Summit.
The participants visited Huawei Company's facility in Longgang, BYD Company's facility in Pingshan, Southern University of Science and Technology and its Cryo-EM Center in Nanshan to learn about the latest developments in technology and innovation in Shenzhen.
The delegation also met with Mr Qin Weizhong, the Mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal Government and other key governmental officials to gain valuable insights into Shenzhen's economic and social development and its role in the GBA. The program ended with a dinner hosted by the Federation of Guangdong Academicians (廣東院士聯合會) and their Fellows.
- Other Activities
Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology Award Ceremony cum Distinguished Lectures
Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology Award Ceremony cum Distinguished Lectures was held on 3 June 2023 at Jockey Club Auditorium, PolyU.
To learn more about the award, please visit:
- Other Activities
International Area Bay Area Summit 2023
The HKAES International Bay Area Summit 2023 is a 2-day high level conference with a theme on innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, and ecosystems aiming to explore ways of sustainable development of GBA. It will showcase a powerful line-up of speakers in the fields of advanced technologies, management, business and governance from New York, California and Tokyo Bay who will share with us their experience in development and operation of Bay Area economies under different technological, industrial and commercial environments. The Summit will enable participants to review the opportunities, challenges and cooperation between different Bay Area economies.
Learn More:
- Other Activities
International Area Bay Area Summit 2023(Dinner)
- 20th February 2023, 18:30 PM to 22:00 PM
HKAES visit to CAE on 14 September 2022
The President, Ir Dr Otto Poon, visited the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and met with Prof Li Xiaohong, President of CAE on 14 September 2022. Please click here for more details.
- Other Activities
HKAES visit to CAST on 8 September 2022
The President, Ir Dr Otto Poon, visited Beijing and had a meeting with Wan Gang, President of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) on 8 September 2022. Please click here for more details.
- Other Activities
University Pitch Competition on Global Grand Challenges 2021-22
The University Pitch Competition on Global Grand Challenges 2021-22 was held successfully on 26 May 2022. The University of Hong Kong, with their project “PERfECT Viral Sewage Monitoring System” won the competition.
To find out what their project is about, please visit
- Other Activities
Second Global Grand Challenges Summit ~ Student Day Competition
The HKAES was invited by the Chinese Academy of Engineering to form the Hong Kong Universities Alliance to compete with 14 other teams, including 5 from US, 5 from UK and another 4 from China in the Student Day Competition of the Global Summit.
The HKAES hosted a Lunch Reception for the Hong Kong University Alliance on 5 September 2015 at the Hong Kong Club. Mr. Nick Yang, Chairman of the Innovation and Technology Committee and Non-Official Member attended the Lunch Reception.
Final Update on the CAE-NAE-RAE Grand Challenges Summit ~ Student Day Competition
- Other Activities
A Dinner between the HKAES and EURO-CASE on 5 June 2014
A dinner meeting with Dr. Jacques LUKASIK of EURO-CASE was held on Thursday, 5 June 2014 at the Hong Kong Jockey Club to discuss the potential collaboration between HKAES and EURO-CASE. Dr. Jacques LUKASIK is the Secretary General of EURO-CASE (Association of all the Europeans Academies of Engineering and Technology) which is a very influential body. He is also a member of the National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF). The HKAES President, Prof. Y L CHOI together with Prof. Joseph Lee, Prof. J M KO, Ir. James Chiu and Prof. Jian LU attended the meeting which is found to be very fruitful.
Photo – taken after the dinner meeting with Dr. Jacques LUKASIK (front row, first from left)
- Other Activities
The HKAES’s Beijing Visit from 1 – 4 June 2014
Invited by Prof. Zhou Ji, the President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), the HKAES Delegation, led by the President, Prof. Y L Choi, including Prof. Joseph H W Lee, Dr. Andrew Chan, Prof. Timothy Tong, Prof. C C Chan, Prof. J M Ko, Prof. Jian Lu, Ir. H S Kwong, Prof. Charles Ng and Prof. J G Teng visited Beijing from 1 – 4 June 2014. The Delegation attended the International Conference of Engineering Science and Technology 2014 (ICEST 2014) from 2 to 3 June and also attended as observers the Annual Council Meeting of CAETS 2014 on 4 June. The Delegation had meeting with Prof. Zhou Ji and his colleagues to discuss the enhancement of Collaboration between HKAES and CAE. The Delegation also took the opportunity to meet with other academies including HAE, NATF, NAE and RAE for strengthening the bilateral relationship during their stay in Beijing.
- Other Activities
Dinner Talk by visitor from Royal Academy of Engineering, UK
Prof. Robert Mair, Fellow of Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering, was invited to give a dinner talk to the Fellows of the Academy on 3 November 2011 at the Hong Kong Club, Central, Hong Kong . Prof. Mair is the Sir Kirby Laing Professor of Civil Engineering of the University of Cambridge. The title of his talk is “The Role of an Academy of Engineering in a knowledge economy”. (click to see the poster)
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